ACCBC is seeking nominations for the following positions on the Addiction Counselor Certification Board of California for one-, two- and three-year terms commencing December 4, 2023 to December 3, 2026:
2 Board member position for one year term,
Who May Stand for Election?
- A current/active member of addiction treatment or mental health community, possessing a valid addiction treatment counselor certification or a licensed clinician who is no less than 18 years of age, is currently working in the profession with a willingness to serve on the Board of Directors.
Who may NOT stand for election?
- Those not working in the profession
- Students
Who May Nominate for Election?
- A current/active member may nominate any duly qualified current/active member for election to the Board of Directors:
- Self-nominations are encouraged
- The nomination form must be signed by a nominator.
- Nominators may nominate one candidate only.
- The candidate must sign the nomination form providing consent for the nomination.
How are Directors elected?
- Directors are elected by a majority vote of the ACCBC
- Voting shall be at the scheduled annual board meeting (December 4, 2023).
How do I submit my nomination?
- Fax or email the nomination form and submit the following information via email:
- Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume
Deadline for submission?
- November 30, 2023
- Incomplete applications, applications received after the deadline date/time, and those received in a manner other than the form will not be accepted.